Monday, June 18

Unknown Hotties of the Week 6/18/07

Chason Bridgman
You might not remember him right away, this is sort of from the past really but...

Chason played Bruno on MTV's "Undressed," a guy trying out for a fraternity and was forced to be handcuffed to a gay kid (Mike Greybeal) and he slowly became friends with him--much to the urging of his girlfriend that hung their having sex over his head. That same week that it aired, a commercial for Footaction or some similar shoe store aired with him and an alien and a sale.

He has since was the white kid in the African-American-centered movie Kingston High in 2002 and in 2005 he played the lead in a short film Television.

Paul Tornabene
This cutie fitness model/bodybuilder from New York started with

Apparently that site doesn't exist anymore but according to Sambag's Blog, he was training to be a fireman on Long Island.

Max Thieriot
18-year old coming to age and up and coming actor.

He was in "Catch That Kid," "The Pacifier," and now the new Nancy Drew movie as her guy friday.

He will also play Hayden Christensen's lead character at a younger period in Jumper.
More on him here at Caramelitos Baronil